Pumpkin sausage

3,15 IVA inc.

Pumpkin sausage It is a typical sausage of Extremadura, made with fat and lean Iberian pork and pumpkin.

  • Weight approx: 300Grs
  • Price / Kilo: € 6.65


Pumpkin sausage It is a typical sausage of Extremadura, made with fat and lean Iberian pork and pumpkin.

  • Weight approx: 300Grs
  • Price / Kilo: € 6.65

In Hams and Sausages Mallo we are dedicated to the preparation of hams, shoulders and all kinds of sausages of both white pork and Iberian pork.

We work with the brand “Alimentos de Extremadura” and we also dedicate ourselves to the elaboration of hams and shoulders with D.O. “Dehesa de Extremadura”.

We have a Quality Management System according to ISO 9001 and an Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001. In addition, we are certified in the Quality Standard for meat, ham, shoulder and loin Iberian, as well as in the Specifications of the Serrano Ham-ETG (Traditional Specialty Guaranteed).

We participate in important R & D projects together with the University of Extremadura and companies in the sector.

Additional information

Weight 0,330 kg